Subject: Treadmill with a Twist: Lululemon to Release New Treadmill
April 23, 2024, at 9:04 a.m.
Time to get active folks with Lululemon and their innovative way of taking the leisure and athletic wear you love to the next level. Lululemon is releasing a treadmill with at-home workouts, designated to your own personal fitness goals!
Now you might be asking yourself, “How is this any different from Peloton,” This is a fair question, but Lululemon has instilled software where you can rank how well the clothes worked for that certain workout.
For example, if someone uses the Wunder Train High-Rise Tight leggings for an intense incline treadmill workout, they will be able to relay to the software explaining those were the leggings they used and give an in-depth description of their comfort level during the workout. If someone then goes to do the same workout, they can look at that person's review of the leggings and possibly go purchase them if the review was good. Lululemon though does not stop here.
On occasion after a tiring tough workout, sometimes people are not going to opt to sit there and write out a review for the apparel they wore, and instead they will be reaching for a towel to dry their sweat or even a trash can to hurl their lunch up (it happens to the best of us). Luckily Lululemon is going to incentivize people to leave reviews by rewarding points to the people who leave reviews, as well as rewarding even more points if you get a like by other users on your review (so write good reviews!). These points can then be transformed into real-life credit that you can use at any Lululemon store.
Lululemon has decided to release these treadmills because they want to get the real-time opinion of their clothing right after someone works out so it is fresh in their head. Since they now have so many different types of shorts, leggings, and other athletic apparel, Lululemon really wants to get a grasp on what their loyal customers truly enjoy wearing while they work out. “The Customer is always right” is a phrase Lulu truly lives by, and they care about giving the customer what they want.
Lululemons goal has always been to “create components for people to live longer, healthier, fun lives,” and that is exactly what they are doing with this treadmill. People are able to be healthier while exercising on the treadmill and have fun reviewing and reading reviews from people who love the company as much as they do.
Lululemon was founded in 1998 by Chip Wilson, and the apparel company had its first standalone store open in November 2000. The company started of as a strictly Yoga apparel company, but began to catch fire in the mid-2010s when they took their products online as well as in-store. This is when they decided to branch out from strictly Yoga wear to just athletic leisure in general.
Dino Borghi, director of public affairs
Lululemon apparel
P.O. Box 287
Syracuse New York, NY 13210